US side with Russia in UN Resolutions on Invasion of Ukraine  


US Sides with in UN Votes Over Ukraine War

The US has voted against a resolution that condemned Russia’s actions in Ukraine and supported the country’s territorial integrity. This is not the first time the US has sided with Russia at the United Nations.

On Monday, the US voted against a European-drafted resolution at the UN General Assembly (UNGA). The resolution condemned Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and supported Ukraine’s and territorial integrity. However, it was passed by 93 votes, despite being opposed by the US and Russia.

The US then its own resolution at the UN Security , which called for end the conflict but contained no criticism of Russia. This resolution was also passed, but two key US allies, the UK and France, abstained in the vote after their attempts to amend the wording were vetoed.

These competing resolutions were tabled as French Emmanuel Macron visited President Donald at the White House in an attempt to address their sharp differences over the war. British Sir Keir Starmer will also visit the new American leader this week.

The US has been accused of “upending” the transatlantic by currying favor with Moscow and casting doubt on America’s long-term commitment to European security. This rift was laid bare at the UNGA, where US diplomats pushed a limited resolution mourning the loss of life during the conflict, while European diplomats tabled a more detailed text that blamed Russia for its actions.

“We need to reconfirm that the aggression should be condemned and discredited, not rewarded,” said Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Mariana Betsa. The UNGA also passed the US resolution after it was amended to include language supporting Ukraine.

At the UN Security Council, the unamended US resolution was passed by 10 votes, with several key US allies abstaining. America’s acting envoy to the UN described the resolution as a “simple historic statement” that focused on ending the war, rather than assigning blame.

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