Vashlijvari Residents Spread Petition  


Residents are demanding a moratorium on the construction of buildings in and asking establishing a group of experts to study the landslide. Residents demanding a moratorium on the construction of buildings in Vashlijvari and asking establishing a group of experts to study the landslide.”population of Vashlijvari, demand from the , and the of Georgia to immediately announce a moratorium on the construction of any type of buildings in the Vashlijvari district: should not be issued any permissions for new buildings and all the processes under consideration related to the constructions in Vashlijvari should be suspended.We also urge them to urgently coordinate the establishment of a group of independent experts, which will include Georgian and international independent geologists and other necessary experts (and not government geologists, who, as we have seen, have signed life-threatening conclusions) and representatives of the population. The identities of these experts must be public, and they must fully explore the Lisi Ridge in accordance with modern . We insist that the entire mountain, not just the area with the cracks, be examined. The process should be transparent and , with the population being regularly informed of each step. We believe that the participation of the population as a special group is a necessary part in this process. We also demand public discussions about the research .” The statement reads.By Ketevan SkritladzeTags landslidepetition


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