**Serbian President Announces Rally for February 15**
Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic has announced that a big rally will take place on February 15. This is the same day Serbia celebrates its Statehood Day and the Serbian Orthodox Church marks Candlemas, or Sretenje.
At the rally, Vucic plans to clearly state where Serbia’s future lies. He made this announcement in an Instagram post. In it, he also spoke out against initiatives that call for giving the region of Vojvodina more autonomy. Some of these ideas include making Vojvodina a republic with its own language or even having it separate from Serbia.
Vucic believes that these ideas are being used to manipulate young people and undermine the country’s stability. He emphasized that it is everyone’s duty to stand up against such attempts using democratic means. Vucic also stated that Vojvodina will always be a part of Serbia, saying “We don’t have a spare fatherland” and “Vojvodina is Serbia. Forever.”