Vulin Import Sound Cannons Company is the company through which Vulin imports sound cannons performs highly classified state work  


** ‘s Sound Cannons Procured Through Private Company**

The Serbian police has acquired sound cannons through private company called Romax . The company, owned by Goran Rodic, was licensed to trade in weapons and had access to highly classified information.

**Company’s Connections to Government **

Romax trade is linked to Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who was the Minister of Internal Affairs when the sound cannons were procured. The company also received a significant loan from the in 2020. Additionally, Rodic was one of the financiers of Dragica Nikolic’s foundation.

**Company’s Business Growth**

The company’s turnover increased significantly between 2015 and , from around €1.5 million to over €9 million. In , Romax trade reported a net profit of around €2 million.

**Access to Classified Information**

Romax trade has access to classified information, including data that is considered confidential or strictly confidential. The company’s license to trade in weapons and its certificates for accessing classified information were issued by the state.

** Continues**

The acquisition of sound cannons through Romax trade raises questions about the use of private companies for government business. investigation into this matter continues.

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