War Crimes  


What is happening on the occupied territory in Ukraine’ southern Kherson Oblast region? presents a documentary entitled “Shadows Across the River”, which investigates the Russian terror on the east side of the Dnipro River. This area has been under since 2022.
Investigation into the Russian abduction of
An investigation into the killings of by Russian military
An investigation into the abuse of in the Russian-controlled Olenivka POW Camp by the guards
Genocide is a crime. Is Russia committing a genocide in Ukraine? The Kyiv Independent presents a documentary called “Destroy in Whole or Part” that attempts answer the question.
use sexual violence against Ukrainians. The Kyiv Independent presents a documentary called “He Came Back”, which investigates sexual violence in war crimes.
Documentary that reveals what is happening in the territories under Russian occupation
This newsletter will give you an honest look at how our War Crimes Investigations investigates Russian atrocities committed in Ukraine.


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