Zurab Chiaberashvili says he does not intend to take part in a Stalinist court – the goal is to rewrite history, and it is against Georgia’s interests.  


**Stalinist Trial Accusations**

Zurab Chiaberashvili, a top leader of the United National Movement (UNM), has refused take part in a trial that he says is an attempt to rewrite history and undermine Georgia’ national interests. He was summoned to testify before a temporary investigative commission studying the activities of the former UNM .

**History Rewrite**

Chiaberashvili said that the goal of the commission is to distort facts and try to erase the achievements of the , which took place in 2004. He accused the current -backed regime of trying to rewrite history and undermine Georgia’s .

**No Intent to Participate**

“I do not intend to participate in a Stalinist trial!” Chiaberashvili declared social media. “The goal of this commission is to distort facts, and I will not take part in it.”

**Solidarity with **

Chiaberashvili expressed solidarity with other UNM leaders who have been arrested or are on hunger strike, including Mzia Amaglobeli and Temur Katamadze. He called for unity among to bring down the regime.

**Regime’s Goal**

The current regime has been accused of trying to de-sovereignize Georgia and break its territorial integrity. Chiaberashvili warned that if the regime remains in power, these negative outcomes will become inevitable.

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