The total number of voters in the October 26 elections will be 3,508 294, of which 3,113 747 voters will use electronic voting technologies  


Total number of voters in the on October 26 is 3,508 294. The CEC Chairman Giorgi Kalandarishvili said that 3,113,747 electronic voters will participate in the October 26 elections.
According to him, this is the first year that 135,922 youths have the opportunity to vote.
According to Kalandarishvili, the list of portable boxes contains 64,238 voters. The number of voters on the special lists of precincts of elections created in other states amounts to 95,910.
18 candidates have been registered for the parliamentary election. Five candidates nominated for the , and council elections by three electoral entities were registered. Eleven electoral entities were registered by SEC to run in the elections of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.
More than 54,000 election administrators will administer the elections. Of these, more than half have been appointed by political parties. The rest are nonpartisan, or what is called professional members. We remind you that of the 17 members of each commission, 9 are party members and 1 is the ruling party. The remaining 8 members are appointed by other political parties.
The ballot paper at where voting is conducted with verification and vote-counting machines will also be different. Instead of circling a party number, voters will only color/mark the circle in front one party/the inside of the circle. The vote counting machine counts the votes automatically and prints out a summary of preliminary results after the voting is completed. This summary is sent via tablet to the CEC. This means that the time required to publish the preliminary results has been significantly reduced. We will likely inform the public within 1-2 hours of the end of voting. The data will also be available on the to anyone interested.
It should also be noted that manual counting of votes is available to ensure and accuracy. During the ballot counting, the members sort the valid and invalid votes and compare the results with the machine’s data.
The voting will continue to be conducted in the precincts that are currently in place. However, the ballots in these precincts have been scanned, digitized and uploaded to a secure platform.
I would like you to know that electronic devices are not connected with the Internet and there is therefore no risk of cyber interference. Voting is secret. All polling stations are equipped with modified booths (also known as cut-out booths). “We remind you that taking pictures and videos inside the cabin is not allowed,” Kalandarishvili stated.
According to him, it’s also important to note that, based on the experience of both the and vendor company, there is a minimal chance that any device would fail.
“But, ofcourse, similar cases are provided, insured, and a risk management and prevention document has been developed. The most important thing is that the voting will not be stopped in any case.
The voting ends at 20:00. However, voters in line will be able vote by this time. One of the members of commission will register them and they will then be able participate in the voting, according the order of Kalandarishvili, the chairman of the precinct electoral commission.
The CEC chairman explained that there was also a new regarding the use of portable boxes. In these elections, voters who vote with a portable will also be subjected to the marking procedure.
During the day the CEC contact hub – 2 51 0051 will be working. The media center, which will be continuously, will provide information to the media and parties involved in the electoral process.
We urge all parties to adhere to the law and ensure that the elections are conducted in a peaceful atmosphere. We would like to remind both the public and the parties involved of the most common violations we have encountered in the contexts of several elections. The candidates for the seats of the and the parliament have no right to enter the voting hall except for the voting time.
2. During the verification process it is forbidden to copy, capture or otherwise process the personal data of voters. In such a situation, the electoral administration immediately takes the legal measures;
3. The election administration will immediately prevent any interference with the commission’s functions, such as the confiscation of identification cards, the checking of markings, or any other interference.
4. Taking photos or videos, or observing the voting process in the booth.
5. “Photo-video shooting can only be done from the place that is designated for it at the Precinct Election Commission”, stated Kalandarishvili.


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