UN Experts Demand that the GD Government Investigate Police Use of Force During Demonstrations  


**UN Experts Urge Investigate **

Experts on human rights from the United Nations have called on Georgian authorities to investigate allegations of police violence during in and December 2024. They want the to take concrete measures to prevent further violence.

The UN experts said they had written to the Georgian authorities about this issue and would be closely monitoring the situation. They stated that should be independent, impartial, transparent, and effective, as required by international standards.

**Calls for Release of Detainees and Medical Care**

The UN experts also asked the Georgian authorities to release anyone who was detained arbitrarily and provide medical care to those who need it. They emphasized that the physical and psychological integrity of individuals must be a top priority.

**Reports of Police Brutality**

There have been reports that police used rubber bullets, water cannons, pepper spray, and other chemical irritants against protesters without regard for their safety. The experts said hundreds of people were reportedly injured, with many suffering serious head and facial injuries.

**Investigation So Ineffective**

The UN experts noted that the of Georgia has launched an investigation into these events, but so far it has not produced any results. Many protesters remain in detention, which has sparked further concerns about human rights abuses.

**International Standards Must Be Followed**

The UN experts stated that any use of force by security forces must comply with international standards, including the principles of legality, necessity, proportionality, precaution, and -discrimination.

**Government Urged to Report on Preventing Torture**

The UN experts asked the Georgian government to report on concrete measures taken to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment during peaceful assemblies and in places of detention.

Read More @ civil.ge

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