Ombudsman : We met with 327 arrested people at the rally. Of these, 225 indicated improper treatment and 157 had physical injuries. It is unacceptable. These cases should not be investigated  


** Calls for Investigation into Cases**

The Public Defender, , has called the Special Investigation Service to investigate cases of improper treatment and physical injuries suffered by people at a recent rally.

Out of 327 people arrested during the event, 225 reported being mistreated and 157 had physical injuries. The Public Defender personally met with these individuals and spoke with them directly.

**Investigation Needed**

Ioseliani stressed that -investigation of these cases is unacceptable. He warned that if left unchecked, it could lead to more -breaking behavior in the future.

“It cannot be allowed for these cases to go uninvestigated,” Ioseliani said. “It will only encourage law-breakers and we’ll have even worse picture when the next stock bust takes place.”

**Journalists Also Need **

The Public Defender also spoke about the importance of protecting journalists who were attacked during the rally.

Yesterday was the International Day of , which included journalists, Ioseliani noted. He called on the government to ensure that journalists can work safely and without pressure or influence.

“All these cases should be investigated,” Ioseliani said. “The people who committed them should answer for their actions.”

**Informal Groups Also Need Investigation**

Ioseliani also drew attention to the emergence of informal groups that caused public outrage when they attacked civilians and journalists.

“This case should probably be investigated first, and the identity of these people established,” Ioseliani said. “They should be brought before the law and .”

**A Call for Government Action**

The Public Defender thanked journalists for their work under difficult conditions and called on the government to take action to prevent interference with journalistic activities.

“I call on everyone, especially the government, to ensure that journalists can cover events freely and safely,” Ioseliani said.

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