The question is not if China will turn against Russia, but rather when.  


**‘s War with and Its True Enemy: **

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a crucial mistake by invading Ukraine, a war that Russia will likely lose. However, the real threat to Russia is not Ukraine but China.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was a miscalculation, similar to that of Czar Nicholas II who fought Japan over Manchuria in the early 20th century instead of focusing on Germany, their true enemy. Like Nicholas, Putin has allowed the real menace to his country to gather strength.

**Russia’s Losses Mount**

The war with Ukraine has cost Russia dearly: over 700,000 casualties, a loss of its lucrative European energy trade, and sanctions that have depressed productivity. The war has also forced Russia to reorient its and triggered the flight of hundreds of thousands of prime working-age .

**China Looms Large**

While never intended to invade Russia, China might very well do so. has a list of grievances against Russia dating back centuries, including the loss of territory that Russia took from China.

The question is not whether Russia will lose its war with Ukraine but how big the loss will be. Putin’s entourage is helping him double down on his bad decision to invade Ukraine instead of bailing out while they still can.

**Russia’s Vulnerability**

As the war continues, Russia becomes weaker and more vulnerable to China’s ambitions. Siberia, which has resources that China covets, is now wide open to expansion.

**The Endgame**

Putin appears to intend to escalate his way to victory, but this will only lead to further losses for Russia. The use of nuclear weapons would be catastrophic for Russians and cement their status as the world’s most regressive country.

**Russia’s Power Brokers Must Act**

Russia’s power brokers must ask themselves whose interests the war now serves. At this stage, it is clear that the answer is Putin’s alone. They should incentivize him to retire and cut their country’s losses by returning territory in exchange for keeping their personal wealth.

**A National Disaster Unfolds**

The rest of us can observe Russia’s unfolding national disaster as they decide between salvaging what they can and going down with the ship.

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