Ukraine extends martial rule until May 9  


** Extends Martial Law and Mobilization**

has signed a law extending martial law and general mobilization the country. This will now last until May 9.

Martial law was first declared on February 24, , when Russia invaded Ukraine. Since then, it has been extended several times. The president asked parliament to approve the extension on January 14, and they voted it the next day.

**What does martial law mean?**

Under martial law, Ukrainian men aged 18-60 (with some exceptions) are not allowed to leave the country in case they get called for military service. This also means that Ukraine cannot hold elections as planned by the current .

**Other countries are celebrating Victory Day**

In Russia and other countries, today is a big day – it’ Victory Day. It commemorates the end of World War II. The Russian uses this day to show its military strength and talk about Soviet heroes from World War II.

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