Margus Tsahkna, Regarding Georgia: Things are not going in the right direction and we need to begin the process of revoking Visa Liberalization  


**Estonia’ Foreign : Georgia Wrong Track**

The situation Georgia is not good, according to Estonian Foreign Minister . He this statement before a meeting of European foreign ministers in Brussels.

Tsahkna said that the is not telling the truth to its people. The minister believes that can do more to help the country. One way Estonia suggests doing this is by starting the process of taking away visa-free travel Georgians. This would send a strong message to the Georgian government that they need to change their ways.

When asked what the could do to help, Tsahkna replied that Europeans don’t believe what the Georgian government says. Instead, they see what’s actually happening in the country. The minister hopes that the EU will find a way to make more decisions about Georgia soon.

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