MEP: The United States imposes sanctions on oligarch Ivanishvili while the Council only prepares plans to revoke diplomatic passes for Georgian officials. This is completely inadequate  


Dutch MEP Reinier van Lanschot Speaks Out on Georgia

A European meeting was held discuss the situation in Georgia. Dutch MEP Reinier van Lanschot spoke at the meeting, expressing his concerns about the country’ government.

Georgia has been seeing large protests against its current . The people of Georgia are mostly pro-European and want their government to be more like Europe’s. MEP Van Lanschot visited Tbilisi last month and heard this from the people himself. He believes that Europe should Georgia in its fight for democracy.

Meanwhile, the has imposed on a Georgian oligarch named Ivanishvili. However, the is only planning to take away passports from some Georgian officials. MEP Van Lanschot thinks this is not enough and wants more action to be taken.

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