Gia Volski: At this stage, our involvement in the 3+3 format is neither economically nor politically justified.  


**Georgia Not Ready Join “3+3 Format”**

, the First Vice of Parliament in Georgia, has commented Russia’s statement about inviting Georgia to join the “3+3 format” meetings. This format includes , , Russia, and three Caucasian countries: , .

Volski said that while future prospects might emerge, there is currently no indication that Georgia’s involvement would be justified either politically or economically. He suggested waiting for developments in this area.

**No Clear Benefits**

The “3+3 format” was created to promote economic relations between its member countries. However, Volski pointed out that the internal relations among some of these countries are unresolved. For example, there is a tense situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan. He also noted that Turkey and Russia have complicated relations.

**Georgia Prioritizes Stability**

Volski emphasized that Georgia’s government has chosen a wise policy to maintain stability in the country. He believes that Georgia should not participate in the “3+3 format” until its economic interests are protected and its political image is secure.

**Waiting for Developments**

In conclusion, Volski said that while future prospects might arise, there is currently no justification ‘s involvement in the “3+3 format”. He encouraged waiting for developments in this area before making any .

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